The Thriver podcast caught my eye last week with the text "If you try to do everything all at the same time, all you are doing is setting yourself up for a burn out". That stuck with me as it resonated a bit with how I'd been feeling this year, with so much going on. If you haven't listened to Jess Van Den's podcasts on running a creative business before you can find them
here. I like them a lot!
Finally decided on fabric for #RinALong |
Didn't like the background fabric so much after the cutting... |
Turned it over and prefer the less contrasty back! This is as far as I have gotten... |
So what have I been trying to do all at the same time?
I haven't been able to keep up with my once to twice weekly blog updates and that's ok. I've not been able to join in some of my favourite blogs Quilt-A-Longs or have fallen behind very quickly to those I have started. That's not OK but I am forgiving myself for it.
I fell behind and caught up with Bee blocks - so all good there!
I don't normally press seams open but that's what was requested - these pins helped with the points. |
Reading lots of blog posts but struggling to leave comments from my phone. Not good. Upgraded the computer so can do better on that front! Managed to get everything done for the quilt exhibitions I had committed to. Would pat myself on the back but self praise is no praise as I went and misplaced my SD card, with all the exhibition photos on it and turned the house upside down looking for it - found it this morning next to the alarm clock(?) So I will have lots to share with you over the next few weeks!
Finished up on one branch committee - another year and a bit to go on the second! Working on a new membership website for the group and also finally getting a website ready for myself - more on that later!
Wrote up Kenny the Koala in 2 sizes and he is with very generous pattern testers at the moment - watch this space for the pattern release!
Swirly quilting to look a bit like fur - asked for help on IG for the background and settled on hearts. |
Couldn't resist adding daisies to his bow tie - he is a very cheerful Koala after all! |
Even took a break to paint some garden furniture in the evenings after work when we had glorious sunshine. Back to it's rainy normal self now that the Tennis is about to start in Wimbledon...
Before |
After! |
Bought new rugs (finally found nice ones that can be washed - needed on account of the puppy who is now 1 year old. Basset Hounds are hard to train but we are pretty much there now barring any mishaps where we don't take her out in time!) Picked out wall paper for one wall in the box room and am working on convincing Gordon we could do with some in the front section of the hall!
Basset Hound pincushion I got from Maya on a swap last year! |
Was asked to submit an idea for a class and came up with two and a third floating around my head! Prepared and did a demo for a session at the River of Dreams quilt exhibition, on Quilt-As-You-Go techniques. That was lots of fun though I got stuck in traffic, as they had closed the road by the Shannon river, to unveil a bronze statue of Terry Wogan, which people are comparing to the Ronaldo statue (not good!). I just arrived at 1pm on the dot and rushed like a madwoman to get started. (Thanks to Suzanne and her family for giving me a hand with the stuff from the car).
String blocks using wadding as a base instead of paper. |
Joined with skinny strips! |
Spent more time with mum wandering the shops on errands but ended up buying way more than I should have (this rug for starters)! Finally rejoined the library and have been having fun reading and learning and reading some more.
Maybe its the summer sun and really long days (bright before 4 and light in the sky still at 11!) but that sense of urgency and stress I felt a few months ago has lessened and I am forgiving myself for what's not done yet. After all once the day job is done, it's my time and I get to spend it on myself every now and again and on the dogs... and mum... and on Gordon...and on cleaning the house...eventually!
For now though I have found all of my photos and will crack on with processing them to share! After that who knows? I have lots of ideas so I might just start another quilt... or read a book! Hope you guys are having fun with the extra hours of daylight and chilling out though the long lazy summer days!