Sorry I haven't had too much time to spend writing and sharing about the projects but here's a not so quick progress report.
Techniclolour Galaxy
I uploaded my colour scheme to the Palette Builder tool on Play Crafts and it helped me pull colours off my Kona colour card. Some were spot on and some where the new colours added recently which I don't have so I picked a good few chips that were pretty close to what I wanted. I found curry and sunflower too close to each other in reality so opted for butter and sunflower instead!
The fabrics are shot cottons I bought from Craftsy. They had a sale on last year with quite a bit off and I bought both the light and dark fat quarter bundle of the Kaffe Fassett collection. They are very close in colour to my Kona colour card chips!
I definitely don't have enough blues! I will need quite a bit of blue for this and managed to pull 4-5 fat quarters. I've heard shot cottons shrink a bit when washed and am not sure how to mix them with other fabrics. Anybody used these fabrics before? Any advice? Hawthorne threads and Cotton Patch has them for sale by the yard so I will have to purchase to supplement what I have on hand.
I'm not sure yet if this will be an all solids quilt or to mix in some prints.
For the moment though, I have enough to get started with block number one which involves cutting templates and using a white bias strip to cover the joins and hold the pieces in place. I've bought a clover bias maker 3/8", steam a seam lite 1/4" fusible strips and some Moda Porcelain ( a gorgeous off white) from my local quilt shop (The Limerick Quilt Centre) and will let you know how I get on with this next week (first time doing this!)

I sewed the dark fabric onto the light blue about half way down and folded it back to have it layered over the lighter fabric. I used a print out of my design to create a template to cut away the top dark fabric with my rotary cutter (scary moments!) and reveal the lighter fabric underneath.
In keeping with the curvy ripples the raindrops became less angular and more curvy applique pieces. So now I just have to stitch the raindrops, baste and quilt it - all by March 13th!
This is the quilting plan so far. Circular quilting echoing the ripple and adding in some rainbow colours, wavy wiggle on top maybe? I'm going to try and quilt in a dragon fly too. Nervous about this one - not sure I can pull it off as I imagine it!
Oh well, it's only fabric, what's the worst that could happen?
Lost in London 84" quilt for Make Modern
And the last project but most important is to get my submission quilt for Make Modern Magazine finished. Pattern is written, blocks are made and am onto piecing the quilt top - hope to baste it on Saturday for quilting all next week! I am going to attempt to quilt this on my home machine all by myself! No pressure then. Just needs photographing by March 15th!
I can't show you pattern details but here's the fabric I'm using!

So that's what's going on around here, what are you guys up to? Any WIP's you really must get finished?
Linking up to