Friday 16 August 2013


The Modern Quilt Guild of Ireland have opened sign ups for a pincushion swap.  I've never made a pincushion before and my poor pincushion that I "borrowed" from my mum is looking a little worse for wear so I could do with a replacement. Maybe I might make 2 and give her one as well.  Sign ups are open until Saturday 24th August.

Anyone got any hints on easy pincushion tutorials or any hints at all really would be much appreciated! 

This is a secret swap so we all have to create a mosaic of pincushions we like for inspiration for our swap partner.  This was tons of fun and so easy to make on Big Huge Labs.  I entered the urls of each individual image to creat the mosaic but unfortunately the links aren't kept on the big picture and it never occured to me to post them separately.  These were all found on google images and I love the hedgehogs and funny Halloween inspired pumpkins and scary monsters!  Not sure what that says about me but I can see myself making more mosaics for inspiration.  Really a great fun thing to do!  There's more of this crazy cuteness at Flickr here.

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