For some reason I didn't expect it to be as big as it is (the bottom row won't fit on the design wall it's that big!) I have the bottom half pieced and hope to get the remaining rows finished tonight but haven't decided yet how to quilt it.
Yvonne gave us a nice template to trace with a lovely swirly texture as a result. Those diamonds though are calling out to me for some reason so we will see, after it's basted. I'm thinking of a pieced backing with some Christmas fabrics I haven't yet used though I do have a bolt of Ikea Britten Nummer on hand so may just use that instead. Decisions, decisions!
Speaking of which, our Modern Irish Bee round robin is still going strong. It's getting close to finished now but the backlog we had at the start is now back with me again and I have 3 of these beauties waiting for the next round. Hopefully I'll have Erin's teal and pink one done at the end of next week for Mary!

Well I popped out to the Limerick Quilt Centre on Saturday morning for some blues and browns and came away with greys and blacks!
Karen kindly let me have a rummage through some new bolts just arrived in and my original plan went right out the window when I saw these fabrics (Heartwood by Makower). Proving to Gordon that blue and brown are a classic colour combo has been trumped by the desire to make him a manly quilt with a grey and black bear against a background of trees!
I did manage to pick up this gorgeous feature print from the range for myself at the same time. So pretty, I think this needs to be made into cushions - I would love to be able to afford this fabric for curtins!
On the way out the door, I succumbed to this new Moda range with matching panel! It's the bear that did it for me and I am considering using some of this for the back of Gordon's bear quilt but suspect it might just be too nice to have on the rear! Time will tell!
Linking up to Quilting Jet Girl and Let's Bee Social @ Sew Fresh Quilts!