- Downton Abbey Mystery QAL Love Bug Studios
- Vintage Block QAL Charise Creates
- Modern BOM parts 1 & 2 Sew Mama Sew
- Giant Starburst QAL Canoe Ridge Creations
- Broken Herringbone Molli Sparkles
- Scrappy Swoon QAL Hopeful Homemaker
- Lighthouse QAL Fresh Lemon Quilts
- Star Surround Happy Quilting
- Big City Girl QAL Fat Quarterly
- Skill Builder Sampler Series Sewn by Leila
- Aiming for Accuracy Quilting Gallery
- FLow Zone BOM Bettina Danger
- Tula Pink City Sampler Sew-A-Long Sew Sweetness

- Virtual Quilting Bee Diary Of A Quilter
- Embroidery 101 QAL Clover & Violet
- Summer Sampler Series Fresh Lemons Quilts
- Forest QAL Sewing under Rainbow
- Hello/Sun/Hello Moon BOM Making Ends Meet by April Mae
- Sew Happy QAL Sew Happy Geek
- Craftsy 2012 BOM/Craftsy 2013 BOM Craftsy
- Doctor Who Trillium Design / Whims & Fancies
- Riley Blake Mystery BOM Riley Blake Designs
- Solstice Stars Fresh Lemons Quilts
- Skill Builder BOM Pile O'Fabric

- Swoon 2013 Fairy Face Designs
- Project Quilting Monthly Challenges Persimon Dreams
- My Favourite block QAL Persimon Dreams
- Sisters 10 Modern BOM genxquilters
- Sew Happy QAL Sew Happy Geek
- Simply Retro QAL Jana Machado
- Shooting Star Friday Block Party Summer Crafter
- Vintage Block QAL Charise creates
- Flow Zone BOM Bettina Danger
- Hexies by Halves QAL Pieces by Polly
- Everything but the Kitchen Sink The Littlest Thistle

What about you guys? Any favourites?
Hope you're up for another one in 2014? Soon to come to the MQG...once I can get myself together to write the post!!!