Not quite in the quilting zone of mind just yet and facing a mostly empty design wall, I had the choice of piecing more London arrows or cracking on with Fat Quarter Fizz with an Oriental twist or hand sewing down some binding (my least favourite part of the quilting process!). Of course the butterfly effect hit again and I didn't do any of that but decided instead to revisit my UFO's (unfinished objects!)
I was feeling a little guilty that kids are back to school this week and summer is practically over and I haven't done that well on finishes for this quarter's Finish-A-Long.
I've got about 5 1/2 weeks to bust that list, (triangle being one I'm pretty much assured on) so I pulled out my Penny Sampler quilt from last year designed by Rachel from Stitched in Color. It's been on my list all year!
Maybe it was the trip to the zoo on my few days off last week with my little cousins, or maybe the chilly nights starting to draw in that prompted me to pull this one out.
I'm going for a wintery feel with this and not having finished it last year (Halloween sewing got in the way!) I'd really like to have the quilt top at least put together. I'm very tempted to try hand quilting quite a bit of this one!
This was a project taught as part of a 3 month class on Applique, precise 1/4" piecing and Paper Piecing. The design of the quilt is really different using a sampler approach to teach the three skills but also a broken border approach to contain the blocks which I really, really like!

There are quite a few blocks and a lot of design elements to this one and I got as far as the applique and precise piecing last year. So this week, I've been trying to catch up on the paper pieced blocks and some of those borders!
Of course this project being from last year, I had managed to lose the tea cup
pattern that goes with the coffee pot! There was an option to pay a few
more dollars for an ebook at the end of the course which I didn't opt
for, so I decided to try and make up a cup pattern in the style of
Rachel's myself!
Last month I bought EQ7 andrunning it on my Mac I had a few hiccups over a corrupted user but the support team at EQ7 were brilliant helping me get it sorted. So Saturday, having the whole afternoon to myself and a working computer I gave it a go! I have a new found respect for paper piecing designers!
I spent ages trying to get the handle right so that the pattern would print in easy to put together sections. EQ7 helps and gives you a warning saying that you have an inside corner - doesn't tell you where though! In the end after much messing about, 2 cups of tea and quite a few rich tea biscuits I had an aha! moment.
I opened the block library and searched for cups! Yes I know, I'm a dope! I didn't find a cup but a basket handle which was perfect and I copied that. The trick is to think in planes and straight lines. Rachel's cup handle is a bit more rounded and much more elegant but I'm happy I got there in the end! EQ7 gives you a blue outline when all is well, so nice to see after 3hrs messing around!
Of course when I printed the first one I forgot to hit reverse! So I now have two cups, facing in different directions! That's ok too! It's my version of the quilt after all!
The last paper pieced block is this one called the Dala Horse - this horse is the reason I wanted to make this quilt in the first place. When I saw him, I knew I had to make him and signed up straight away. He's almost the last block in the whole quilt though so you have to work up to him!
Rachel has a new class on offer starting next week and there are still places left. It's called angled and walks you through 5 quilt designs using triangles, diamonds and flying geese. I've signed up (hoping to piece 1 of the 5 designs!) so will really have to get a move on to get the bottom row of diamonds done, one more horse pieced, sketch stitch in the horse faces and assemble all these blocks together! Luckily very few need sashing and I'm really looking forward to the assembly bit!