That question has new meaning on this green and rainy island of ours after last weeks surprise vote on Brexit. I am doing my best to think positively and reminding myself that it must be worse for all those who voted to stay in but are now on the way out of the EU. There's a lot of work ahead to protect the peace process here now that we are not all part of the same bigger vision, despite Northern Ireland voting to stay in. Here's hoping sanity reigns at some point and the open border stays put!
While I can't do much about the geographical border, I can make some decisions on my quilt top. All along I had intended my Rainbow Rose quilt to be floating in the wide open space of the invisible background fabric borders. The borders are there but you don't really notice them! Then I read on the blog of someone making this one block quilt, what was coming next – applique maybe? 
Quite a few people had gotten on with assembling the centre section, I thought that might happen so was sure to add in the bit about rotating the star for complimentary colours if they wished, just in case everyone forged ahead! Some did rotate the star and some didn’t – depending on the fabric choices it really looked better one way in one block and the another in the next block. It has been really fun seeing how different they all are turning out.
Feeling that the last post I was writing might be a little bit light in terms of instructions, just assembly and borders, last Thursday, while mum was visiting and hogging the telly to watch Emmerdale, I pulled up inkscape and got to playing. I had two ideas, a flourish like in calligraphy and some Orla Kiely inspired gradient coloured petals. This was the end result!
I’m the only one making the larger sized quilt out of 10” squares, most are making the 40” baby quilt version out of 5” squares. As the border is a little thinner on the larger size, I wanted to make sure the border ideas would fit both just in case someone out there might be doing the same as me or someone in the future comes back to this to make it! So on Friday evening I made the templates in two sizes!
And on Sunday morning I made the pieces to test the against the quilt! Now I’m seriously thinking of adding the applique! I’m stuck between the hexagon flourish or the circle with petals. That last one seems to add movement and make the block spin and seems very appropriate for the week that has been in it!
What do you think? Flourish or petals?
I quite like this one but the fussy cut circle will have to change. All I read when I look at it is Air Conditioning!
So while I'm deliberating my choices, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Linking up to Modern Quilters Ireland.
I hate to be the one to ask, but looking at the first picture - is the right hand strip upside down? It looks like the darkest piece should be at the top with the other 2 darker ones? And the bottom most point should be on the left?
ReplyDeleteHi Kate yes it is! I had a comment on this photo on the MQI blog - I noticed it after taking the photo and there was a little bit of unpicking and resewing! Funny how things will show up on the camera that you don't see at the time of making!
DeleteIt IS awful for those of us that voted remain. The brexiters are having a go at us all over the internet as we're still talking about it but that's because we aee it as a massive mistake and a tragedy and everyone should still be talking about it, it's not aome little decision! I'm voting for the petals for your border
ReplyDeleteI like the petals more on your quilt, but I still haven't decided about mine))